Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Scott Markewitz Gallery

Scott Markewitz is one of the best Ski Photographers in the business. And from February 4-7, he's teaching the inaugural Scott Markewitz Photography Workshop at Snowbird, Utah. It's a three-day instructional workshop for all levels of photographers who want to learn to take better action and scenic shots. Here is a gallery of Markewitz's work and more info on the workshop.
related tags: Photos and Movies, Fondue Party, Scott Markewitz, Utah, Southern Rockies, Snowbird The Big Snow

“Whether you’ve just purchased an SLR camera or have years of experience behind the lens, this workshop will dramatically improve your ski photography skills,” Markewitz says. “Snowbird has been my home mountain for more than 30 years and is an ideal venue for epic ski photography thanks to its dramatic scenery, legendary snow and incredible terrain.”

The Scott Markewitz Photography Workshop includes three days of uninterrupted instruction both on the mountain and in the classroom as well as three nights at the Cliff Lodge, lift tickets, early Trams and breakfast. The workshop costs $1,250 and interested parties can register by calling Snowbird Central Reservations at (800) 453-3000.

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