The million dollar question for any photographer is what gear do I buy? If you’re just starting out, you may be limited in the funds department, knowledge department, or both. The best step is to research and make sure you know exactly what you're buying. One of the great things about the gear in the world of photography, it is continually improving and offers amazing tools. It sometimes requires pros to spend hours, days or even weeks learning, and sends the beginners looking for their mommies. Your best bet is to take a photography course or work as an apprentice for a professional photographer. Otherwise, you may buy things you don't need, or you may over pay and end up with something totally inadequate. If you have the money and the knowledge, where do you go to purchase such items? Some great places to get gear are camera stores that sell new and used equipment, EBay, or Craigslist. Should you buy new or used? The best approach if you have limited funds is buy good used gear. Many professional photographers download gear every year or two. You may be able to land some great equipment. Most professionals are professionals because they don't abuse their gear. Test it out and make sure it's working and check to see if it's still under warranty. My Web page will be coming soon that will offer affordable courses, information; you may ask questions, share ideas, and even images.