Thursday, March 25, 2010

Learn Photography at Home from a Professional Photographer.

Learn Photography at Home from a Professional Photographer. You may subscribe and receive course(s) sent directly to your email. You will learn about photography equipment, different Genre’s of photography, styles, some history and much more. Learn from someone who has been a professional photographer for over 20 years. You will receive photo assignments so you can actually learn hands on. This is a self- paced affordable membership for people who want to learn photography the easy way. It's perfect for anyone who is limited on time, money, or both. You will receive step- by- step instructions explained in simple understandable terms for the beginner and challenging for the semi-pro. If you want to take better pictures with film or digital this is definitely the course for you. The web page will be ready within the next few weeks at:
Until then, join me on
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PS look forward to teaching you the wonderful world of photography.

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