Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just starting out in the Photo Business

If you’re just starting out in the Photography Business, it can be quite overwhelming. You may love taking pictures and think it’s something you really enjoy. That's great because you should love what you do. How many of us have that opportunity. As you start moving through the motions, you start to realize there's a lot to know. It is especially, difficult if you have to learn the world of photography from beginning to end creatively and technically. Now you have to buy the right equipment. You need to pay for this ever increasing improved, but sometimes very expensive gear. Oh wait, remember it's a business. Don't you want to make money? Isn't this the point of thinking about either part time extra money of full throttle? You need to decide what Genre, when, where, and how are very important choices in the end result. There are so many courses and information where do you start. Of course, you start at the beginning, but the problem is where the starting line. I think I will be able to help with that. Photography can be very satisfying and at the same time aggravating. Stick with it and stay tuned....