I am excited about this time of year. Many photographers consider this the slow time of the year. Wedding and Senior season is wrapping up. It's a time to get ready for next season. It's a time for marketing and a time to change out gear. It's also a great time for families, especially around Thanksgiving and Christmas. More families get together for Thanksgiving and Christmas than any other holiday. It is a time for large groups and those money making break downs. If you haven't marketed, you may still be able to pick up a few through a small ad in a church paper (you may be able to use their facilities depending on weather), or contact clients from this year and offer a discount for the repeat business, or even word of mouth. This is also a time to give out plenty of business cards for future work. It always amazes me how many people are getting married or having another baby. Most members of the Families haven't seen each other in a while. They are normally in really good spirits, which makes the shoot a lot of fun and, if you work the room, you may end up with some nice future photo work. Now if you have a WEB Page, you may sell online or send out copy right protected, or CD’s. Whatever way you decide, always protect the work. Don't ever allow the CD to print and set it to time out. I love Pictures to Excel at http://wnsoft.com/. This slide show software allows you to place a navigation bar, or have the CD time out, and allow for no printing. As long as they don't know how to back time their computer before the CD times out, you are safe. Make it a limited time offer, remember anything Limited - Sells. If they know they can order whenever, they want, they will take their time. Photography is an impulse field. People buy because they are excited. You must strike while the momentum is going, or as they say, the grill is hot. I apply the same principals to sell on the WEB or even a copyright release. By the way, if you sell copyright release, don't forget the value of that copy right release value and charge accordingly. You may lose a great deal of money in lost print sales, so make it worth your while.